
शुक्रवार, 17 फ़रवरी 2017

how to make money from youtube

Hello today i'm talking about earning from youtube ok

How To Earn money From Youtube

First of all youtube site open kare or signin kare

then create or upload your favorate video. most importent video is view again and again in youtube channel this video is uniq so you post uniq video like comedy, promos , vip partys , Edit video song  , movie threaller , and much more video give more view then  next

more your video uploded video have more view's like 10000 , 50000 , 100000 etc.  you can  register google adsence then google ad is pay you money via youtube from your uploaded video .

Google is give ad in your uploded video user view this ad and google is pay you money

ok thank you

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