
मंगलवार, 17 मार्च 2015

Better 3D printing Virtual reality at home

Better 3D printing
NASA recently made it possible for a 3D printed spanner to be created aboard the International Space Station. Serving to highlight how far the technology has come, the feat will help propel 3D printing into a development daze. We'll be seeing controversy, regulation and even more success stories with regards to the industry. Hardware and equipment costs will fall, leading to increased access and applications in industrial, health and commercial areas. Perhaps a 3D printer won't be a realistic buy for the home in the next year, but 3D printing services will become more widespread and more accessible as regulations are ironed out.


Virtual reality at home
Sony's Morpheus VR, the Oculus Rift, and an as yet unnamed Microsoft device. All three are being feverishly developed and fine-tuned. With each boasting solid software support, at least Microsoft's device appears scheduled for a 2015 launch. Healthy competition means the Rift and Morpheus VR should follow with consumer launches of their own, and advocates will ensure at least one is accepted. It's still too early to know whether virtual reality devices have a longer-term appeal. Yet the coming year should help to answer the question. Particularly as if, or when, one of the three aforementioned products comes to market, we can be sure the the others won't be far behind.

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